Our Services- Website Creation

1. Go over basis, ideas, styles,and foundations for website.

2.Calaborate with Business Professionals.

3.Go over procedures,and media inclusions.

Our Services- Website Inclusions

1. Chat/About room Ability

2.Blog page Inclusions

3.Wiget Modules


5. Contact pages

6.Member registration

7.Professional bussiness Logos

8. Linking Ability

9. Calender pages

10. Players Video/Audio

11.Custome Graphics  (professional digital Graphic designers)

12. Gif animations

!3.Costume Button motion.

14.And much,much, MORE

Music Recording

1. Review your style, band, genre.

2. Music writers will be available for you, to create beats/music etc.(if needed)

3.Record Your music with professional state of the art music recording software.

4. Give you a hard copy of your music to share with others.

Music video Creation

1.Record your song if not already recorded.

2. Film shoot to your desired needs

3.Listen to ideas and concepts you wish to have included.

4.Video edited to your desired needs and characteristics.

5.Give you a hard copy for you to share with others/ put on Youtube.

Check Out Examples on the Our Works Page


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