In The Eye

September 28, 2012

Vinchenzo L. Olivero


Adv. Eng. Comp


“In The Eye Of The Beholder”

The harsh realities and imperfections of life were erased at the spot. It was my escape to a place of solitude and peace. It gave me a sense of serenity and freedom that enveloped my mind. I found this spot one early afternoon, while driving down a mountain near my house in Colorado Springs. When I saw it, I slammed on the brakes and got out of the truck to admire such beauty. It was a small out look at the edge of a street lining a cliff that over looked the complex beauty of Colorado Springs. The expanse of the view extended all the way out to the unpopulated plain and I could clearly see the horizon. I don’t know why this spot was so magical, but somehow or other it felt like an addiction therefore, almost every other day since, I would return to that spot, late at night, where silence gave me a certain focus on the present. This view was even more mesmerizing at night, for the lights reflected off the clouds leaving a radiant mystical haze that ran parallel to the horizon. That thin line of haze faded in altitude as the dark sky with twinkling diamonds embraced the quiet city. I wanted others to feel the power I did. That power up high at the edge of a cliff on a mountain, were nothing really mattered, just imperturbation and contentment.

Every friend I knew would hear about the spot, and most would see it with me. My friend Tonya and I started retrieving to the spot almost every night, just talking and looking over the near aerial illustration of the city but, there was one thing that grew into a hate about the spot. It was a scar that hindered the full aspect of the glowing city. We realized that a couple of houses created a visual blockade to the entire northern half of Colorado Springs. We would discuss every time how we hated those houses being there, for this spot seemed to be molded by the hands of God, and tarnished by the ugly of human creation.  Honestly, that hindrance of sight became at least a portion of every conversation, while admiring the view.  We didn’t understand why such beauty would be contaminated with houses and cars. We wished that the architecture blocking the view wasn’t there…Then came the fire.

When I returned to Lanagan Avenue after a long 2 week vacation, desolates devoured the spot. It was cold, late in the night, when I returned to see my escape destroyed. The haze that once seemed to parallel the horizon was the mask that covered the face of the city. I could see that pretense mask from the spot… and it was eating away at my mind set. The trees only two hundred feet away from me were charred, and black. It was that black that enveloped my surroundings, for the majority of the houses around the spot were eradicated.  Just the darkness of those trees remained.  The light of the stars was barricaded by a canvas of smoke that still remained from the fire.  That eerie haze reflected the light from the city, and seemed to light up the sky with a similar light to the fire that caused the destruction. The only thing that remained unaffected by the fire was the sound, the sound of quiet. A cold breeze was the only thing I could hear as the solemn silence added to a melancholy feeling in my soul. That silence muted me as it endorsed a sorrowful atmosphere that encompassed me. I was speechless.

Ever since that night, I’ve had a larger respect for the fence. That average cliché stating that the grass is not greener on the other side ringed in my ears as I reflected on how I would complain about the houses that blocked the view. There I stood, in the darkness, standing in the shade of my personal Bodhi Tree, when I learned a certain respect for beauty. I understand now, that the flaws of something, some place, some person, is what makes them so beautiful.


“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”

                                                    -Albert Einstein


Olivero Pro Records - NAME CHANGE- Web Construction Division

January 7, 2012
Olivero Productions will now and further more be refereed to as Olivero Pro Records- Due To current circumstances

Olivero Productions - Audio/ Video Productions Div.- Hooligan Swag- Music Video Completion

November 4, 2011

Olivero Productions - Audio/ Video Production div- New Hardware

September 20, 2011
Good news Olivero Productions artists, We have just purchased 3 new visual monitors. now, while recording, you will have a digital view of your lyrics while recording.  This will also help our editors with sufficient space for recording. Same goes for Video Productions - Studio pics will be up soon.

Olivero Productions - Audio/Video Production division

Olivero Productions - Society Intervention Div. - PYRAT Association

September 16, 2011
The PYRAT Assocation : Be sure to check out the PYRAT page for more info.... we need as much support as possible thanks!

Olivero Productions - STAFF update

September 16, 2011
Olivero Productions will be updating all staff members by the end of October.

Look for new staff on STAFF page.... by the end of October.


Vinchenzo Olivero - Olivero Productions -Director

Olivero Productions - Audio/Video Div.- Up coming music video SHOOT

September 16, 2011
Olivero Productions is preparing for the new music video shoot coming within the next week.
MP and V-lo, preforming -One The Real...stay tuned for completed version.

Olivero Productions - New Artist - Hooligan Swag

September 16, 2011
Z.K (Zach Kretzer)  is also now part of Olivero Production's, Hooligan Swag.
Categorized- Rapper

In the studio soon.....
Olivero Productions Staff

Olivero Productions - Website FREEZE

September 15, 2011

Olivero Productions has made the decision to stop updating The Official Olivero Journey Website. The Olivero Journey was a project with Olivero Productions - Society Intervention Div.  It was a statement and a story of the Olivero Children.... their Life in extreme abuse. We are proud to say that for the time this website was needed... it played a vital role with the now separate CAPA Organization ( Child Abuse Prevention Action). Now we have made the decision to halt all updates to that site... the way it is now is the way it will stay forever as a toast for change... and closure... A special thanks to all Olivero Journey followers.  Please Check out www.capaorganization.webs.com for more info. Thanks,

Olivero Productions - Web Construction Division


Olivero Productions - Web Construction Division- Reminder

September 15, 2011
Olivero productions want you to check out our related... and/or completed sites.

The Official Olivero Website

Child Abuse Prevention Action Organization

Money Matters Records Online Base

Advanced Solar  link, LLC

Che' Paris - Miss Colorado Sweetheart


Thanks for your surport!



Olivero Productions is a progressive artistic project that deals with real world digital media productions. Olivero productions creates music videos, professional audio production, as well as global web productions. lead by student teens.... we give all we have to offer to those with the need to express themselves in the digital media world as well as the music industry. Our goal is to provide a professional experience as a staff, and to express the word of creativity.


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